HP | 300 |
Speed | 2 |
Endurance | 15 |
Name | Survival of the Fittest |
Description | When blocking, opposing characters have a 0 DEF stat. |
Name | Homing Cannon | Spread Cannon | Mace Fist | Energy Wave | Summon Satellite | Satellite Beam |
Cost | XX[X=two number cards of the same value with a number value of 6 or less.] | XX(+XX)[X=two number cards of the same value with a number value of 7 or more. | Jack | Queen(+2 Queens) | Place one King face up on the table and end your combat phase. You may have a max of two Kings on the table at any time. Each Satellite is considered to have 10 HP. The opponent may choose to make a single attack against a Satellite instead of Apocalypse during their combat phase. If a Satellite is attacked, Apocalypse may not make a counter attack. If a Satellite is dealt 10 or more damage, discard the King representing that Satellite. | XX[X=two number cards of the same value] |
Type | A(RHT) | B(RT) | D(U) | B(R) | N/A | C(RHT) |
Damage | 8 | 6(+4) | 10 | 8(+6) | N/A | Deals damage equal to the value of the number cards used (ex. two 10s would deal 10 damage). This damage is doubled if there are two Satellites in play. |
Priority | 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | N/A | 3, if this move is countered, the damage of the counter attack is dealt to the satellite instead of Apocalypse. |
Name | Apocalypse Eye Beam | Apocalypse Drill |
Cost | 2 Aces | 4 Aces |
Type | E(R) | D |
Damage | 28 | 50 |
Priority | 4 | 5 |
Apocalypse is an extremely powerful opponent with the ability to some really nasty combos. His moves have good priority and he can do huge damage with the right cards. Apocalypse's super moves do excellent damage for their cost, and also have the priority to be easy to hit. Apocalypse's Satellites provide a diversion for the opponent while allowing him to do additional damage with his combos. Manage your cards and take advantage of Apocalypse's high endurance so you can attack the opponent ruthlessly while building up a huge and dangerous combo to destroy your opponents. |